"the trade."

Jason was traded from the Florida Panthers to the Toronto Maple Leafs on March 18th, 1997, for Toronto Maple Leafs assistant captain, Kirk Muller...

This trade changed Jasons life forever..


Jason has spent the last decade reflecting on his career.  After identifying what held him back from the 1000 game NHL career he should have had, Jason has now dedicated his time coaching athletes and advising parents on how to help their kids get the most out of their journeys through the world of hockey. 



The biggest area that athletes should be focusing on today, is mindset.

Mindset should be considered a basic fundamental to succeeding in the world of hockey. 

Relating back to Jason’s trade, if he had learned the mindset fundamentals and had been properly equipped to handle a life changing situation on his own, his career would have looked very different.


Jason always took pride in his character.  He worked hard and tried to be the best teammate that he could be.  However, there is so much more that goes into having a strong character in all situations than what Jason was prepared for.

It can be incredibly difficult to not fall into group think or act in ways that you think teammates like, even if it is not the right thing to do.



Jason spent years reflecting on his hockey career.  He had a family and got immersed back in the world of hockey but this time, from the parent side of the game.

After years of research and reflection, and conversations with ex teammates, coaches and colleagues, Jason decided to be that person that he wishes he had.

He needed someone to go to in times of success and in times of failure who had been there and could provide him with proven techniques to remain calm and to perform to his full potential.

Jason has recently completed his 2 signature courses, and wants to give you the chance to sign up today!



The first course is about preparing your athletes mentally and building the foundation to having an unstoppable mindset.  

Up My Hockey’s benchmark 4 week program on how to build an unstoppable mindset. Jason breaks down the essential beliefs required to become our best in  hockey and in life. Includes video training, presentations, exercises, and workbooks.

To learn more about Jason’s mindset master series, click the link – mindset master series.


Similarly to the Mindset Master Series, Jason has put together a second course called “Building Championship Hockey Character”

This program that Jason has put created is designed to help athletes handle situations of pressure and to become aware of their actions and the impacts they can have on their lives. 

What you do and how you treat others matters, and this course has tangible steps to help young athletes master their actions.

Within the character course, you get to hear from some of the NHL’s most influential people.  Some include, NHL GM – Ken Holland, NHL Scout – Kevin Pedersen, NHL Head Coach – Jared Bedner, Ex NHL player – Dave Scatchard, and many many more.  

This course has tangible strategies that players can use on a daily basis to increase their insight on character in countless situations.

To learn more, click the link – building championship character 

jason's courses.

mindset master series.

Course Curriculum

“championship character” training module.

Course Curriculum

Welcome to "Building Championship Character"

In this video Jason introduces the course, what his goals are for you, and how you can make the most of this opportunity in front of you.

Remember to look in this section on each lesson page. There will be a video description, additional content, bonus discussion questions and more! 

When lesson downloads are available, they will appear under this section, so make sure to watch for those!

Let’s get going!

Meet Your Coach

In this video you are introduced to your coach, Jason Podollan. Jason will be your host for the entire course.

See Jason’s career stats here:

Why Character is KING!

In this introduction video Jason will change your perspective on why CHARACTER is more important that you might think.

Character isn’t a new thing – everyone knows a “character player” is something all coaches want. But what does character mean and why is it so important?


In the videos throughout this course I often use the term “guys” – generally in an effort to imply “everyone”. Unfortunately, out of habit and lack of a better term, “guys” has stuck in my vocabulary.  I do NOT use the term in an effort to exclude female players, as I am huge advocate for getting more girls involved in this great game!

Lessons from the Pro

I have sprinkled some bonus lessons throughout the course from various PROFESSIONALS that you should respect and listen to. 

I have also included player/parent discussion questions in the notes to help reinforce the principles discussed in the lesson.  Apply these stories to your own life to make you a better player, teammate and person.

isn’t a new thing – everyone knows a “character player” is something all coaches want. But what does character mean and why is it so important?

Character: The Foundation

In this introduction video Jason will change your perspective on why CHARACTER is more important that you might think.

Character isn’t a new thing – everyone knows a “character player” is something all coaches want. But what does character mean and why is it so important?


In this video Jason reveals the 10 ESSENTIAL character traits for hockey players to be their best.

Parent/Player Discussion

What traits you would add? Why?

What are traits you would remove? Why?

Character vs. Reputation

You don’t have to be in the NHL to make an impact on others. No matter how old you are, someone is looking up to  you right now! There are opportunities everyday to make some one feel good or make their day special.


Remember a time when a person said something to you that made your day better or made you feel special. 

Do you still think fondly of that person?

Our actions leave our imprints on others, good and bad. When we make good choices and lift others up, two people feel good, the person you are helping and YOU!

PLAN to do or say something nice for a teammate at your next practice. What are some things you could do or say that could lift them up?

Competitive Spirit, Confidence, & Courage

Self-awareness is a term you will often hear when you work with Jason. A self-aware athlete is a powerful athlete because they are armed with the knowledge to make progress!

In this video Jason increases your self-awareness about competitive spirit, confidence, and courage. Jason asks questions that will encourage you to deeply consider what these traits mean in the hockey world and how they apply to you.

Resilience, Accountability, & Gratitude

Jason continues to walk you through his self-assessment of the “Top Ten Character Traits for HOCKEY PLAYERS”. In this video Jason dives into Resilience, Accountability, and Courage. 

The deeper you go the better you are able to take action and grow.

Curiosity, Unselfishness, Coachability, & Integrity

Join Jason as he finishes walking you through his Hockey Character Self-Assessment exercise. At the conclusion of this video you will have covered all TEN traits that will help you become the best hockey player you can be. 

At the conclusion of this video you will have something very valuable in your hands – a report card of your Hockey Character. Every score on your report card can be improved! Stay here to find out how.

Strength & Weakness Builder's Challenge

Here is where you get to APPLY all the information you just learned about yourself!

This is a very important part of the process… probably the MOST important. You want to be a great hockey player? You have to do the work!

Final Challenge & Course Summary

Want to take your CHARACTER to the next level? 

Incorporate visualization into your game plan for improvement!

Use your Strength & Weakness Builder as a guide. What did you identify as your action items? Visualize yourself doing those things so it becomes easier to act on. 

You can also visualize yourself choosing new actions in typical problem situations.